
Business Cards

Well, I've worked on my business cards off and on today, phew, it's exhausting but rewarding!  I'm going to have a variety of them for the different types of photography that I can do.  For instance one for weddings/seniors/proms, then one for cards/calendars/postcards, then maybe one that's real formal or something.  I'll figure it out along the way!  HA!  Most people I've spoken to tell me to buy them online, I say, why, when I can do them myself.  I looked at lots of templates online and didn't like any of them.  I'd rather create them myself even thought it's frustrating because I'm not a photoshop pro or beginner, ahahahaha!  So I watched lots of tutorials on photoshop today along with reading "The Missing Manual"  for it!  Let's do it!

I really liked one website that was so good at teaching exactly what you are suppose to do to accomplish what you want but, it was a paid site after a few lessons and I'm not sure I want to do that yet....pay.  As long as I can find free lessons, then why would I pay?

I'm still excited about this new journey that's a lot of fun work, I just wish I wasn't going in blind!  I need a mentor or what Jenna said, go work as an assistant to a local photographer, but where?  Time will tell!  Until then I need some rest!

I'll have to work on a sit down/stand up work place!  Sitting this long is not ok!  For tonight, I need to go planking somewhere, I've sat long enough!  Or maybe tebowing somewhere in the house!  Anything but sitting and since so many of my friends and relatives need prayer, along with me, seems appropriate!

Till next time, going to recoup my brain!  Ha!  Love this new journey!

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